The FSC system allows businesses and consumers to identify, purchase and use wood and other forest products made with materials from well-managed forests and/or recycled sources.
Eucalyptus Peeler Logs
Eucalyptus Peeler Logs
Eucalyptus Peeler LogsEucalyptus Peeler Logs
Eucalyptus Peeler Logs
FSC Eucalyptus Grandis Peeler Logs
South African FSC certified plantation Eucalyptus is a sustainable alternative to endangered tropical hardwoods. These round logs and lumber originate from well-managed plantations under strict FSC Forestry guidelines and are a certified renewable resource. From pruned trees the amount of knotting is minimized making these logs ideal for lumber and peeler logs for plywood.
FSC Aacia logs
A medium to heavy hardwood from 18cms Up SED x 8ft Longer.
FSC & H4 Treated Decking
Southern Yellow pine or Radiata Pine treated decking for both ground contact and above ground contact usage.
Weathers well to a honey colour patina. A long life with minimal maintenance.
25mm x 100mm wider x 8 to 18ft lengths.
Good for both temperate and tropical climates.